Massage Services

Our Licensed Massage Therapist specializes in a highly sensitive therapeutic approach, each service is customized for your needs. Our body oil can be customized as well to be scented just for you with real essential oils to lubricate the skin for ultra skin nourishment, aromatherapy, and promoting overall wellness.

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Things to remember before your massage:

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If you are allergic to almond oil or coconut oil, or any type of essential oil or plant, please call us before booking an appointment so that we may ensure other body oil is available for use. Our products contain multiple plant oils and ingredients, so please list all allergies on your client intake form, and remind your provider of your allergy to be safe. 

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Medical Concerns

Before your appointment, we require every client to fill out an intake form. We need to know about any allergies you may have but also any and all medications you are taking, as well as any medical conditions, injuries, accidents, or other relevant medical info. This will allow us to provide the best experience for you.

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Prepare ahead of time

Be sure to drink plenty of water and be hydrated, arrive freshly showered with some light food in your stomach. , eat light, After your massage, please refrain from the following activities for 24-48 hours hours after your massage: heavy lifting, drinking coffee or alcohol, hot showers, heavy meals, or strenuous workouts. It's best to relax and take it easy as much as possible after a massage. Your therapist may tell you to stretch and do some "homework" in the days to come. 

Client Expectations & Requirements 

 1.) All clients are expected to conduct themselves respectfully, and all services and duties from staff shall be performed professionally. Le Bijou has a zero tolerance policy for any form of sexual harassment, innuendos, advancements, suggestive behavior or language, and any attempt will result in immediate police involvement along with a full price charge.

2.) Non-members are required to leave a 50% deposit which is refunded only if canceled 24 hours or more before your appointment. Please be 5 minutes early to your appointment so you aren't late, as late clients may be marked a no-show and will not receive their deposit.

3.) All clients must arrive to their appointment clean and showered for the safety and sanitation of our staff and salon.

4.) Le Bijou and our providers make no claims to heal, treat, or cure any illness. Please talk to your doctor about all medical concerns. 

Massage Modalities


A slow approach targeting the fascia - the membrane surrounding muscles - rather than the muscle itself. Since fascia completely encases every muscle in the body, imbalances in the fascia can have serious effects on your range of motion and comfort level. While other forms of massage can overlook the fascia, myofascial massage focuses specifically on releasing tension in this important membrane. This may feel initially uncomfortable but reduces pain afterwards and increases range of motion.

Deep Tissue

Slow strokes and deep finger pressure to relieve tension from the deepest layers of your muscles and connective tissues, typically a full body massage.

Hot Stone Massage

Warm basalt rocks are placed over specific areas. Opens up blood vessels and improves circulation. Improved circulation allows more oxygen to be delivered to the muscles, which helps alleviate aches and pains. 

Lymphatic Drainage

This gentle modality effects the skin only, and can reduce swelling and improve circulation throughout the lymphatic system, which helps remove waste and toxins from the bodily tissues. 


Rubbing the muscles in long, gliding strokes in the direction of blood returning to the heart to increase the level of oxygen in the blood and improve circulation and flexibility. 

Sports Therapy

Focuses on treating soft tissue aches, pain and injuries that are associated with recreational activities. Typically focusing on specific areas.

Tui Na

The main difference between a Tui Na massage and a regular massage is that Tui Na works on a deeper level; the massage is not only meant to make you feel relaxed and reduce pain, but is also performed to stimulate the body's own healing process, and work to unblock your qi, which is a term used to describe your vital life force. The technique is effective in reducing stress, encouraging relaxation, and deepening sleep. It's often used for conditions and injuries related to the musculoskeletal and nervous system.

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